PhD candidate for New Methods in Molecular Phylogenetics @ ANU
Employer: Australian National University
Closing date: September 16th 2019
Brief position description: Phylogenies form the backbone of our understanding of much of life on earth. We are looking for a candidate with experience in bioinformatics, mathematics, computer science, or machine learning to help us build and apply the next generation of phylogenetic methods.
This PhD project will involve designing and testing the next generation of methods for estimating phylogenetic trees from genome-scale sequencing data. There are a large number of potential directions that the research could take, and the details will depend on your interests and experience. Potential directions include: developing rapid phylogenetic methods using machine learning; new approaches to phylogenetic model selection; co-estimating multiple trees; developing empirical benchmark datasets in phylogenomics.
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Contact name: Rob Lanfear
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