ABACBS Conference 2015
The Australian Bioinformatics And Computational Biology Society (ABACBS) is pleased to announce the ABACBS Conference 2015, following a successful Australian Bioinformatics Conference in Melbourne last year. We are currently working hard to compile an exciting line up of international and national speakers. Alicia Oshlack (Murdoch Childrens Research Institute, AU), Sean Grimmond (University of Glasgow, UK), Alistair Forrest (Harry Perkins Institute of Medical Research, AU), Aaron Darling (UTS, AU), Jean Yang (University of Sydney, AU), and Melissa Davis (University of Melbourne, AU) are confirmed speakers.
Date: 10-11 October 2015 (preceding AGTA 2015)
Venue: Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sydney, NSW
Registration: CLOSED.
Cost: $99 (or $124 including a BBQ Dinner). Registration and payment is open and available below. PRICES WILL INCREASE BY $99 ON 18TH SEPTEMBER.
Abstract submission: CLOSED. We will notify outcomes on the 11th of September.
Beautiful poster: can be downloaded by clicking here
Apply for Travel Bursary: CLOSED
Full program: click here to check it out!
Abstracts: click here to download
Convenors: Nicola Armstrong and Richard Edwards
Organising Committee: Kim Carter, Brian Gloss, Joshua Ho, Mirana Ramalison, Ashley Waardenberg
Programme Committee Chairs: Shoba Ranganathan, Bruno Gaeta
Questions? Email us: conference@abacbs.org
ABACBS gratefully acknowledges the generous sponsorship of: EMBL Australia, NSW Trade & Investment, Monash Bioinformatics Platform, Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute, Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Systems Biology Initiative UNSW, University of Sydney, QFAB, Children's Medical Research Institute, Westmead Millennium Institute, and Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute.
ABACBS also acknowledges the sponsorship of University of Melbourne Computational Biology Hallmark Initiative for the University of Melbourne student travel bursaries.
UPCOMING Conferences (click for more info)