Hackathon FAQ

What level of programming / visualisation / ‘omics skills / do I need to participate?

We want the day to be as inclusive as possible and so have chosen activities and will combine people in teams so that no prior knowledge or experience is required. Come along and treat this as an opportunity to meet other EMCRs and learn something new. 

What is the expected output of the Hackathon? Do we need to have finished code at the end of the day?

We will speak through expectations at the Virtual Event that will take place prior to the Hackathon, but the primary goal of the day is to network, have fun, and get outside of our comfort zones - not necessarily to produce finished and polished work.

When is the Virtual Event?

The dates for the Virtual Event will be set for mid-October, exact dates to be confirmed.

Do I need to have any pre-installed programs for the Hackathon?

We will provide a full list of necessary and recommended programs closer to the date.

I was selected for a talk, not a poster at ABACBS - can I still apply for a scholarship?

Yes, this is fine - it is just a requirement that you are presenting something at ABACBS to receive as scholarship.

I want to attend a few talks at COMBINE, is this possible?
The hackathon will run at the same time as COMBINE, so it won’t be possible to attend the full day - if there are one or two talks you wish to see (studies you are involved in, students you supervise) this should be fine, but you will need to check with your team beforehand. Note that COMBINE is a separate ticketed event, so you will need to purchase a COMBINE registration as well.

What powerboards / chargers will be available in the room?

We will confirm this closer to the day but will provide access to powerboards for plugging in laptops.

Can I leave my poster up ready to present at ABACBS later in the week?

We will confirm closer to the day but it is likely you will need to take down your posters and put them back up later in the week.

I have previously received an ABACBS Travel Scholarship - am I still eligible for a Hackathon Scholarship?

We will not explicitly prohibit people from applying or receiving a Hackathon Scholarship based on this, but may prioritise those who have not received ABACBS Travel Scholarships in previous years.

I have received a Hackathon Scholarship and can now no longer attend ABACBS, what should I do?

Please contact us at postdocs@abacbs.org so that we can reassign the scholarship

Will I present my poster twice, at both the Hackathon and the main ABACBS conference?

Yes, the idea behind this poster session was to provide EMCRs more opportunities to present and talk about their work - especially as the work being done during the Hackathon may not be what you are usually researching

When will I receive the money for the Hackathon Scholarship?

You will receive a promo code that you can enter into the online registration portal to receive the discount.

Will there be prizes?

The focus is on having fun together :) 

Can I choose my own team, or will teams be assigned?

To encourage networking and meeting new people, we will be randomly assigning teams under the same challenge.  

Will there be a photographer at the event?

Yes, we plan to capture the memories. If you have any concerns about being photographed, please let us know in advance.

What if I have further questions not addressed here?

Please email us at postdocs@abacbs.org and we will respond.