ABACBS 2020 Virtual Conference
Welcome to Country and How to Access Virtual Conference Talks
The ABACBS Annual Conference will be held virtually this year. We aim to provide attendees with opportunities to interact virtually and with a platform to share cutting-edge bioinformatics and computational biology research, with an emphasis on how computational research is done. This year, the Australian National University will be the virtual host.
Dates: November 24-26, plus associated symposia and workshops on Nov 23 and 27.
Conference registration is now closed.
International Keynote Speakers
Ami Bhatt
Standford Medical School
Stanford University, US
Paul Gardner
Department of Biochemistry
University of Otago, NZ
Karine Le Roch
Institute for Integrative Genome Biology
UC Riverside, US
Karen Miga
Genomics Institute
Sue Rhee
Department of Plant Biology
Carnegie Institution for Science, US
Yue Wan
Genome Institute of Singapore
Keolu Fox
Anthropology Department
UC San Diego
Bernice Waweru
International Livestock Research Institute (Kenya) and Acacia Africa
National Keynote Speakers
Sara Ballouz
Garvan Institute of Medical Research
Phillippa Taberlay
University of Tasmania
Jessica Mar
Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology
University of Queensland
Rob Lanfear
Research School of Biology
Australian National University
Fabio Zanini
University of New South Wales
Kim-Anh Le Cao
The University of Melbourne
Torsten Seemann
The Doherty Institute
Robert Edwards
Flinders University
Yu Lin
Research School of Computer Science
Australian National University
Conference registration
ABACBS Members (Full or Student): $20
Non-member student: $70
Non-member: $130
Associate members of ABACBS will be subject to the non-member registration fee. Please visit the member registration system for new member signup, upgrades from Associate to Full member, and membership renewal.
Workshop Registraton
Member: $10
Non-member: $15
Conference registration is now closed.
Program Overview
The ABACBS 2020 conference will consist of two components: pre-recorded talks that will be made available to attendees two weeks in advance of the conference dates, and interactive live sessions on the days of the conference.
Tentative daily structure, Nov 24-26th, all times AEDT:
11:00-13:00 - Networking & virtual lunch (Remo)
13:00-14:10 - Keynote, Invited, and Session talks (Zoom)
14:10-15:30 - Asynchronous talks, tea & coffee break (Remo)
15:30-16:20 - Invited and Session talks (Zoom)
16:20-17:00 - Plenaries, Honours, and Awards (Zoom)