
Conference registration fees

ABACBS Members (Full or Student): $20

Non-member student: $70

Non-member: $130

Phylomania conference and COMBINE Students’ Symposium: FREE

Workshops (members): $10 per workshop per person

Workshop (non-members): $15 per workshop per person

You will be required to input your ORCID ID when you register. The ORCID will be used to enable personalised login to any digital contents during the hybrid conference. If you do not yet have an ORCID account, you could fill out this form to obtain one:, anyone can obtain an ORCID ID. You will also be required to login to your ORCID account ID to submit an abstract.

Associate members of ABACBS will be subject to the non-member registration fee. Please visit the member registration system for new member signup, upgrades from Associate to Full member, and membership renewal.

Registration is closed.

Late Registrations Open - please use form below.

Register Here

To register and pay for multiple people at the same time, please choose the appropriate number of tickets, register on this form the name of one of the attendee and pay online. Please subsequently email the registration details for all attendees (as per the online form) to Ignatius Pang ipang {at}, and CC to Mirana Ramialison mirana.ramialison [at] and Jimmy Breen jimmy.breen (at) . We will then cross-check payments and manually enter all other registrants who has paid at the same time.