Research Bioinformatician @ The Australian Wine Research Institute

Position title: Research Bioinformatician

Employer: The Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI)

Closing date: 29/11/2019

Brief position description: The Australian Wine Research Institute (AWRI) is the Australian grape and wine industry’s own research organisation. It supports a sustainable and successful grape and wine industry through world class research, practical solutions and knowledge transfer. The culture at the AWRI is professional, innovative and sets high standards. As part of these standards the AWRI offers favourable working conditions and an environment conducive to success. The AWRI has strong links with the wine industry and other research organisations both nationally and internationally and provides a stimulating and challenging environment.

Applications are invited for the position of Research Bioinformatician within the Metabolomics Australia facility at the AWRI. The position will provide bioinformatics support in computational metabolomics and data management, contribute to development and implementation of new methods and workflows, and assist with service delivery to research and industry clients.

The ideal candidate will have a PhD, a BSc or MSc and will be technically proficient in bioinformatics or computational metabolomics, have experience with at least one programming language (e.g. R) and have sound knowledge of statistical tools and methods.

Experience with multi-omics data integration; meta-data capture integration with analytical data; cloud-based computing and database administration; and familiarity with Linux/Unix command line are desirable.

For a position description please visit the link below or for more information please contact Dr Natoiya Lloyd on (08) 8313 6600 or

Applications should be completed via the online application form (see link below) by Friday 29 November 2019. Only applications that are completed via the online application form will be accepted.

Job website:

Contact name: Natoiya Lloyd

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