Employer: Longas
Closing date: 18/3/2019
Brief position description: We’re a biotech startup launched by UTS with Australia-based venture backing. We’re developing advanced DNA sequencing methods that should make a huge impact in the molecular biology research and diagnostics space. We’re looking for an enthusiastic junior developer to join us.
We have a maturing data processing pipeline that includes several existing bioinformatics applications as well as a some bespoke tools developed in house. We’re looking for someone to help us design, implement and optimise sequence analysis algorithms for de novo human and microbial genome assembly by creating and using long read sequencing data.
We’re a small team which means that we’re regularly touching the code at multiple places across the stack including: algorithm development, testing, data management, ops / deployment and QA. Our main algorithm is written primarily in Python and C++ but we support that code using several existing bioinformatics tools deployed on Linux, Amazon Web Services, Nextflow, Ansible, git and a few of the toys from Hashicorp.
We’re an agile team and we’re committed to continuously improving our code, our processes and of course, ourselves. We offer a friendly working environment with ability to spend some time working remotely.
Job website:
Contact name: Aaron Darling
Contact email: aaron.darling@longastech.com