Position title: Australian Biocommons Senior Bioinformatics Technical Officer
Employer: University of Sydney
Closing date: 28/10/2020
Brief position description: A great opportunity to contribute to the BioCommons Bring Your Own Data (BYOD) platform project
Located on the Camperdown/ Darlington Campus
Full-time, 3 year fixed term with a base salary of $95K p.a., plus leave loading and a generous employer’s contribution to superannuation
In this role as an Australian BioCommons Senior Technical Officer, you will contribute to the BioCommons Bring Your Own Data (BYOD) platform project, delivering a suite of software and workflow development and deployment activities that enables highly accessible, available, y scalable analysis and data sharing capabilities for the benefit of life science researchers nationally.
You will focus on developing and delivering a Command Line Interface (CLI)-focussed BYOD platform. The CLI-focussed platform will provide a scalable and flexible set of open programmatic resources to create, access and exchange workflows, tools and training across national, institutional, and commercial compute infrastructures.
Job website: https://sydney.nga.net.au/cp/index.cfm?event=jobs.checkJobDetailsNewApplication&returnToEvent=jobs.listJobs&jobid=A7413C55-64CE-42E2-8576-AC3E00C5BC83&CurATC=EXT&CurBID=949319BC%2D8898%2D4F11%2DAC4B%2D9DB401358504&JobListID=731bade1%2D6333%2Dccb4%2D725f%2D88e75150540a&jobsListKey=3df6a6e0%2D431c%2D49d6%2D976a%2D40697cd99956&persistVariables=CurATC,CurBID,JobListID,jobsListKey,JobID&lid=70307070232
Contact name: Tooba Fida
Contact email: tooba.fida@sydney.edu.au