Position title: Research officer
Employer: University of Melbourne
Closing date: 12th August 2020
Brief position description: We are seeking a Research Officer in bioinformatics to join the research group of Prof Lachlan Coin within the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the Doherty Institute. The applicant should have a PhD in computer science, bioinformatics or another relevant discipline. Previous experience in genetics, genomics, computational biology or bioinformatics is essential and strong programming skills are required. This Research Officer will be expected to develop a research program in computational and statistical analysis of multi-omics datasets, including long-read RNA and DNA sequencing data, with application to the area of infectious disease. The candidate will develop a strong program of collaborative projects with other researchers in the Doherty Institute. A significant number of COVID related research projects are in progress and the candidate will develop and apply research tools in this area. The candidate will be responsible for initiating new areas of investigation and developing an independent program of research.
Job website: http://jobs.unimelb.edu.au/caw/en/job/900808/research-officer-bioinformatics
Contact name: Lachlan Coin
Contact email: lachlan.coin@unimelb.edu.au