Employer: WEHI
Closing date: 10 December 2023
Brief position description: We are seeking a talented and motivated Research Officer or Research Assistant to join the Bioinformatics Support Facility at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI) to fill a vacancy due to parental leave. While this is a short-term position, there is potential for the role to become on-going. The Support Facility forms part of WEHI’s Bioinformatics Division, one of the largest bioinformatics research groups in Australia that has achieved a reputation for developing statistical and computational methodology that is applied worldwide. The purpose of the Support Facility is to build and maintain a world-class core bioinformatics facility. It provides bioinformatic and statistical support to WEHI’s biological research groups, in addition to advancing research within the Institute.
Contact name: Alexandra Garnham
Contact email: garnham.a@wehi.edu.au