Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Bioinformatics @ James Cook University - Cairns campus

Employer :  James Cook University - Cairns campus

Closing date:  26/03/25
Brief position description:

An opportunity exists for an exceptional early career researcher to join the Field lab in Cairns. My lab develops bioinformatic software to support a variety of large genomics projects centered on the role of genetic variation in human disease and host/parasite interactions. This will build on recent work using high-throughput sequence data to elucidate the underlying genetic cause of autoimmune disease and to understand host/parasite interactions. We aim to develop robust software and computational workflows to study increasingly complex multi-omics datasets from a variety of technologies including short-read, long-read and single cell sequencing.

Note the job is currently listed until Dec 2026 however funds are available for possible extension.

Job website:

Contact name:   Matt Field

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