Poster sessions
Join our poster sessions to engage with cutting-edge research and connect directly with presenters. Presenters will be available during their designated session to discuss their work, answer questions, and foster insightful discussions.
Abstracts and numbers for posters (used for odd vs even) are available here
Information for presenters
Session times: Session A will display even-numbered posters, while Session B will display odd-numbered posters.
Poster size: Posters should be prepared in A0 portrait format (841mm x 1189mm).
Poster setup: All posters can be hung Tuesday morning. Please see the notice board near the poster rooms for additional information.
Poster location: Posters will be displayed across four rooms and potentially the foyer. Rooms 1110, 1140, 1150 and 1160. Please check the notice board on the morning to confirm your location as we need to confirm that we have estimated the correct number of boards for each room.