Position title: Bioinformatics Research Assistant
Employer: Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
Closing date: 10/6/2022
Brief position description: There is an exciting opportunity for a talented and motivated researcher with an interest in genomics and gene regulation to join the laboratory of Prof Doug Hilton in the Blood Cells and Blood Cancer Division at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute.
The Hilton lab aims to understand the cells of the blood system and how they communicate with one another.
Our multidisciplinary approach combines genomics, cell biology, imaging, molecular biology, evolutionary biology, bioinformatics and computational biology to understand how the different types of blood cell develop from their individual lineages.
This position will focus on analysis of genomic data, including RNA-Seq, ATAC-Seq, ChIP-Seq and single cell transcriptomics to help understand the role of candidate genes in blood cell production and the evolution of our haematopoietic system. Additionally there will be opportunities for image analysis and for maintenance and updating of visualisations for our data portal www.haemosphere.org
Job website: http://wehi.wd3.myworkdayjobs.com/WEHI/job/Parkville-Victoria-Australia/Bioinformatics-Research-Assistant--Hilton-Lab-_JR844
Contact name: Carolyn de Graaf
Contact email: degraaf@wehi.edu.au